
Visit us at IBS 2025 on feb 25-27 -LVCC Booth SU1103

Steve Shepard

  • steve shepard
  • steve shepard
Hometown: Nashua, NH
Tradecraft: Custom Fabrication, Machinist

Steve Shepard is a super capable guy. He works basically in the hot rod department at one of the largest sneaker brands in the world. Fine tuning manufacturing practices, developing cutting edge new process, keeping aging machines rocking, and helping create brand new machines to meet his and the brands demands. But it is his free time, that is the coolest. He is a creator, and always has some amazing project going. Custom cars, motorcycles, campers, tools. Welding, die cutting, fabricating…..at an elite level. Some very cool stuff. Check out his instagram for more about this rad human.

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